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Combatting depression and loneliness with the strength of mind

Combatting depression and loneliness with the strength of mind - Blog - Finding Myself

Depression is more common than you can imagine

Did you know that 16.2 million adults experience at least one episode of depression in a year in the United States? That’s right – it is not as uncommon as you might think. If you are experiencing depression and loneliness, then a huge chunk of the United States population is with you. You’re not alone.

Further, with the current situation as a result of COVID-19, this number is on the rise.

So, the question is, how is a large portion of the population coping up with this?

The mind is an engine to your body – Take control of it as a steering to drive yourself

The human mind is a powerful tool and is the engine that has a large role in the functioning of the body. Many people are not aware of this. However, it is your mind that actually defines who you are, how you feel, and why you do what you do. Your mind is your sanctuary, your fort, and it is up to you to hold it.

You are your warrior – Don’t give up

Now that you know that your mind actually makes you feel the way you do, you are a step closer to improving yourself and your depression. It is essential to realize that your state of depression and loneliness is not just a mental state but will have a ripple effect on multiple aspects of your life. Now training your mind and gaining control of your body and your condition is more pertinent than ever. Remember! This fight is your fight, and you have to make these changes within you.

Here’s how to fight depression and loneliness

You can start by focusing on the positive aspects of your life and things that you are thankful for. Yoga and meditation have been associated with mental peace and tranquility and is a great place to start. Changing your life perspective will be a slow but sure process.

If you need help, we at Finding Myself assist people in recognizing and unleashing the power of their minds. We aid individuals to combat depression, isolation, and loneliness by mental training. Regain your mental strength and overcome your depressive feelings!

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