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Life – What It Is and How We Understand It?

What is life What is life and how to understand, what does it mean? - Blog - Finding Myself

What is Life…….

Life is worth Living

Through every grain of it,

From the foundations

To the last edge

Of the cornerstone, death.

William Ernest Henley, Rhymes And Rhythms, XIV.

What is life and how to understand, what does it mean? Can life be nothing but a dream, or a ride for a period?

What Is Life? What does it mean?

It seems like a very simple question, yet do we know the answer to it? Erwin Schrödinger was asked this question once, which led him to a series of three lectures at Trinity College in Dublin.

Their popularity resulted in gathering all of Schrödinger’s thoughts on life in a book, around 200 pages in print. We mention this aspect to underline that there is no simple answer to such a simple question.

Of course, there is the scientific side of lifecycle, which tries to determine the moment lifetime begins. Geneticists will study DNA, evolutionists will focus on connections between species. Yet, what life means to normal people?

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How We Understand Life, can be just a dream

Life is living each day, feeling emotions, experiencing different situations, learning from them, exploring new opportunities, developing skills and knowledge, loving the world and other people… We could go on forever explaining all the elements that build our day-to-day lifecycle. What is important though, is what Euripides said, that “there is just one life for each of us: our own”.

This quote from the famous Greek philosopher seems to explain the foundation of the meaning of our lives. We cannot control other people’s lives and vice versa. Each person should use the time they have on this Earth to the fullest.

On the other hand, all of us struggle and experience difficulties throughout our lifespan. However, this is just a natural way of things, something we all need to cope with. Struggles are indeed what make us stronger and may even give us a purpose to live. Purposefulness gives us a reason to prosper, live the one life we have, and constantly improve our wellbeing. That should be the solemn basis of every single day – something that can help us understand what living is all about.

Reflecting on Henley’s poem we quoted in the beginning, we can emphasize the importance of living. To each of us, it can mean something entirely different, although it often reflects our attitude, character, and personality. Thus, these traits can explain the true meaning and purpose of our time here on Earth.

Picture by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

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