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Stop Chasing Happiness and it Will find You!

Stop Chasing Happiness Why do we keep chasing happiness have you - Blog - Finding Myself

Stop Chasing Happiness. Why do we keep chasing happiness , have you ever thought about that!?

Through out our life we are ingrained to believe that achievement is happiness, achieving the societal expectations such as perfect life, perfect job, house, relationship is what delivers the happiness. We associate every step of our life with happiness and evaluate it in the terms of how happy we are.

But reckon happiness is an intangible emotion. 

By possessing material or ornamental elements we can not bring joy to our lives. It is a state of mind which can be achieved through the conscious selection of emotions.

Benjamin Franklin said, ” happiness consists more in conveniences of pleasure that occur every day than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom”.

Putting into simpler terms, happiness lies in taking a general interest in all the little details of life.

Waiting for a moment to occur to become happy is an utter wastage.

It is the ecstasy we experience by living in the present, by helping others.

Instead of noticing the little big achievements we made over the years, If we loiter against the big victories, it will only create resentment.

 In search of gold you will lose the diamond

Something that already you have and you failed to realize it, that is what happiness is.

All the joy comes within you, your perspective ,your choices, your decisions.

Do not adhere your happiness to your goals. The idea  that your happiness is in the next place, next job, next course, next town is a let down, so we must stop chasing happiness. It is vicious circle or a loop, once you reach a certain destination you want the next to be happy.

This race that you run will exhaust you eventually.

Stop chasing hapiness and start choosing. That is the only we can get it done.

 Selectively articulating our emotions with the mundane routine will help you live a content and peaceful life.

The moment you stop chasing happiness, it will find you.

Wiggle out of the misconceptions that happiness is the success quotient that determine your worth.

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