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The dangers of taking Diet Pills to lose weight

The dangers of taking Diet Pills to lose weight - Finding My Self - Blog

For those who are eager to lose weight, diet pills may seem like a magical solution. Some use these supplements to get rid of the last few extra pounds. Others see it as an alternative to strenuous workouts and exercise. But are they safe? What are the dangers or side effects encompassing these magical pills? Read on to find out the potential dangers of taking diet pills to lose weight.

What are the Diet Pills?

The same suggests it all. Diet pills are over-the-counter supplements or prescription drugs that aid in losing and maintaining weight. They are also known as anorectic drugs, anti-obesity medications, or appetite suppressants. The pills mainly work by increasing metabolism. But they can also suppress appetite, or prevent the absorption of fat. Whether you buy an over-the-counter diet pill or prescribed medicine, each pill has its side effects and associated risks you need to be aware of.

Why Taking Diet Pills to lose Weight Can be dangerous?

The simple answer to this question is that the ingredients used to make these weight loss diet pills are not safe. Over-the-counter pills do not have to get safety or effectiveness approval before reaching the marker. Some of these pills use substances that are even banned by the FDA over the years. There is a handful of dangerous ingredients of such pills, including:

Phenolphthalein. A laxative that was removed from the FDA’s safe ingredients lists back in 1999. This was associated with a potential link to cancer shown in animal studies. It is also responsible for:

Furosemide. Known by its brand name Lasix, Furosemide is a diuretic that helps in the elimination of excess fluid in the body. It is a prescription drug. Taking it in excess may lead to loss of essential fluids through urination. This may lead to:

Phenytoin. Another prescription drug used in the treatment for seizures. Phenytoin is also commonly sold as Dilantin. It has numerous side effects.

Most of the slimming pills have harmful side effects that may include:

Weight loss might be important for you. Yet, if take looks that kill too seriously, your health should be your top priority. Everything else should come second. Weight loss pills, in addition to being extremely dangerous, are also expensive. You should focus on ways to lose weight that are harmless to your body. Also, the efficacy of weight loss pills is not something that has been proven. All in all, say no to unproven and dangerous methods of weight loss.

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