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What You Inherit From Your Ancestors and How It Can Help Finding Yourself?

What You Inherit From Your Ancestors and How It Can Help Finding Yourself? - Blog - Finding Myself

Have you ever sat at a family gathering where the elderly would just reminiscent of the past? If you have had the privilege to know your grandparents or even great-grandparents, you must have heard stories regarding your ancestors, you also can find traces of yourself in that and some of what you have inherit. If we could only go back in time and meet them in person. Would we see ourselves in them? There is a high probability that we inherit a lot of personality traits from our ancestors. Find out why. What you inherit from your ancestors and how it can help you finding yourself.

Finding Legacy? Fear, Trauma, and Hair Color

Modern genealogy uses DNA to trace similarities between people around the globe. This personal code each of us possesses resembles qualities our ancestors had . Scientifically, we can inherit more than eye and hair color from our ancestors Our faces and body types can also resemble how they used to look. All that you inherit from your ancestors can help you to finding yourself.

Still, there is always another story to it all. Psychologists say that we inherit personality traits as well. It is a common opinion that children do not act like their parents. Instead, their personality is similar to that of their grandparents. If this is the case then what else do they leave us as their legacy?

Recently, genetics and epigenetics that study cellular memory and neurotransmitters have become more popular. These are areas of science, which confirm that we inherit our fears, traumas, and difficult experiences of our ancestors. Psychoanalysis, which tries to look at what our ancestors told us in the subconscious, is also based on the same assumption.

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Does It Mean We Are Fated to Feel Certain Emotions?

It may be fate, or we can see it as a gift. There is no need to describe it in negative. Since each family has its own history, every single one of them has its heritage. Just as we can inherit a house or a plot of land, we also inherit the baggage of family experiences.

Looking back at history, we see a lot of traumatic events that changed the world. In finding ours ancestors perhaps give us answer for ours emotional  inheritance.  People living in those moments were directly affected by those changes. There is a high probability that they could pass their negative emotions with their DNA.

Awareness is the key to ancestry searches. Before you start digging in your heritage and family tree, be aware to expect the unexpected. Once you know what happened in the lives of your ancestors, you can interpret these findings yourself. However, if you come across serious issues and want to work on them in therapy, we recommend contacting a psychotherapist.

All of this can help you in finding yourself. You might get answers to your questions and understand that some of your personality features come from your ancestors’ past trauma. This may be useful information if you want to better understand your feelings and attitude towards people and things.

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