About Me

Welcome, Dear. My name is Mari Placensio

I am a certified Therapist working with all the issues of the mind.

Use a relational and inclusive appraisal of personalities with psychosocial and emotional problems, I work for the well-being of the participants.

I am a Psychologist, a Theologian, and a Licensed Hypnotherapist.

My Philosophy

When helping people, I use an integrative mind and body approach to enhance overall well-being. With less exposure to diagnostics, I see the mind and the body accepting several variables that lead to the present status of the individual. Finding that perfect balance between your physicality and spirituality is a mechanism interrelated with itself and its ecosystem.

Take a look at my methods and see if we can work on your issues together:

  • The therapy is tailored individually to meet each person’s distinctive needs.
  • I use an integrative body and soul approach.
  • My techniques aim to improve the overall well-being.
  • I include different auxiliary therapies.
  • Together we built a cooperative relationship, in which I act as the facilitator.
  • You receive all the necessary support to find the best solutions to your issues.

By assisting you in your personal growth, change and expansion, I want to support you in your success.

I want you to FIND YOUR SELF.

My Background

Ever since I graduated from E.S.T.E. in São Paulo, Brazil, I knew that working in counseling and therapy was my dream come true. Prior to that, I had already acquired useful experience as a Counsellor and a Therapist. I used to volunteer at a Juvenal detention center in São Paulo, known today as the Fundação CASA.

Even before that, I had been involved in dealing with minor offenders and homeless people. My aim was to give them a helping hand and guide them to see the light in their darkness. Separately, I worked with counseling, teaching, and preaching the Gospel within the local community.

1999 was a big year for me. I moved to the United States to further broaden my knowledge in therapy. I received my degree in Psychology in 2013, graduating from the University of Saint Paul, Cambridge, MA. In 2015, I completed my Master’s degree in Biblical Science at Laurel University, Miami, FL.

2015 was also the year when I published my first book called “The More Abundant Life”.

Life was not always rainbows and butterflies. I have had my struggles. Sometimes I have failed myself and my loved ones. Going through hundreds of complicated situations, I have learned how to cope with them and recover a stronger person.

Now, as a professional Therapist and Counsellor, I want you to use my experience and knowledge. I have managed to find that sought for work-life balance. Being a happy person I am able to share my advice as an inspiring speaker and writer. Let me help you with these questions you need to know the answer to:

“Who am I? What do I want? How can I get it?”

Let us begin this wonderful journey together![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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