How to find your life purpose?

A purposeless life is a meaningless one. Everyone and every little thing you see has their own purpose. Even the walls that stand still has a purpose of guarding, so how can you find your life purpose?

It is not necessary your goals and dreams to be purposeful, but if it is it adds a meaning to your goals for sure.

Running behind money, power, fame, etc., is just to run one’s social status. Don’t declare it as the purpose(s) of your life. Keeping your moral values and making it meaningful and useful is the one that counts or connects.

How to find your life purpose?

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The greatest achievement is to find one’s purpose of existence. But how? There is no precise answer for this query, but you can if you are aware to these two things

▫️Believe in your intuition and listen keenly to your inner voice. It gives you signs and makes you feel that you are going to do something important everyday you wake up from bed.

▫️Don’t allow others to figure it out. There is an old adage saying ” No matter how many times you whip a Clydesdale, it will never be a thoroughbred”. If you are allowing others to give advice you may be wrongly directed.

There is this people growing up who are obsessed with social medias. They are often addicted to people’s responses. They try to influence or entertain their followers.

Such people may think that being an influencer or entertainer is their purpose of life. It may be true since we have such brilliant people who set an example for us, say Charlie Chaplin. But not always. It is true only if you are not into it for reaching thousands of followers or it is your own innate power that make you do so.

Sometimes when we eat food both our stomach and heart becomes full. You feel the same when you are into your purpose of life. There is no peculiar parameters to figure it out but is felt by heart. If you are completely satisfied by what you do, speak or write obeying your own intuition and not for mere recognition, you might have found your purpose of life. It is more like to be felt than to be found.

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

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