Learning to forgive and path to leading a fulfilling life!

Life is  mysterious at times that we don’t know from where or whom we get attacked; physically, mentally or emotionally. We meet a numerous people in and out our home. Of course not everyone is meant to serve us good yet even in those circunstances Learning to Forgive will help us to enjoy a fulfilling life

You may be badly effected by people’s words and acts. But this journey should be continued. Scattered thoughts and shattered mind serve you nothing but losses.

Peacefull Living Is Always Welcome.

Perhaps there is no perfect rules for life. But you can follow something for peaceful living.

  1. Clarify –  Be clear with the happenings to avoid misunderstandings. For that you can make an open conversation with people who caused you pain or with yourself.
  2. Accept – Learn to accept things boldly. Everything happens only to mold you better, not to remold you to worst.
  3. Understand –  Understand things in true color. What is the true cause of pain, who is actually responsible for it, how it effected, everything should be analyzed and understood.
  4. Forgive –  Misfortunes in your life may lead to grow grudge in you, but peaceful is forgiving. Don’t resonate the mistakes by revenging. Remember  if a sword wounds you you can’t wound it back, but only heal your cut. Stop grumbling yourself and others for your misfortunes and forgive even before forgiveness is asked.
  5. Forget – Be able to forget is the precious gift humans got. If you’re done forgiving the misfortunes and people who caused it, try to forget it. Eventually everything settles down,  not completely or soon but definitely. You only have to lend it some time and wait for it. What you see outside is the reflection of your inner thoughts. Feed your mind with good thoughts.

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Learning to forgive and path to leading a fulfilling life!

Life is all about redemption and recovery of your self worth and of learning, relearning and unlearning.

You can’t escape the misfortunes but can face it courageously and act wisely.

Be ready to fight your demons https://markmanson.net/how-to-overcome-your-demons and fulfill your life goals. Forgive, forget and forsake all your miseries though it is not that easy as it spells.

After all its your soul that is suffocating. Give it good amount of fresh air by thinking good, doing good and feeling good.

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