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Your subconscious mind learn by repetition is most comfortable and open to suggestion when you are in a relaxing state. You may be asleep, but your subconscious is busy at work. By speaking with the subconscious mind as you are relaxing, you will be creating positive habits and routines that will make it effortless to reach your ideal weight. Because reaching a healthy weight and lifestyle is not about always staying motivated and willing yourself to lose weight, it’s about retraining your mind by creating positive eating habits and learning the techniques to control your inner self. You may be skeptical if you can really lose weight just by listening to this audio, and I can only tell you from my personal experience. Losing 40 lbs feeling as if the process was effortless. With the right suggestions to your subconscious mind, will be a  quit ease to lose or maintain your ideal weight, Remember,  yourself talk creates your reality what you say to yourself eventually becomes a subconscious believe, and what you believe creates your outer experience.

Successfully losing weight and permanently keeping the weight off means getting control of your inner state of mind and your outer eating and exercising habits.

Do not listen to this material whilst driving or operating machinery, where it is not safe for you to relax.

So please quiet all noise take a comfortable place where you can sit down or laying down and relax.

For best and fast results, the use of headphones or earbuds are recommended

None of this content is intent to offer, or replace, qualified medical or health related advise. All affirmations (or guided meditation) are self-hypnosis and must be regarded as such. The author accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage in any shape or form the information and material presented here.

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