Post-Pandemic Mental Health: Coping with the New-Old Reality


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, life has significantly changed for many people around the world. Restrictions, social isolation, and uncertainty have had a psychological impact on many individuals. With the arrival of a new normal, it is important to focus on our post-pandemic mental health. In this article, we will explore how the pandemic has affected our psychological well-being and provide some tips on how to find and care for our mental health in the post-pandemic world.

COVID-19 caused not only physical harm but also psychological difficulties for many people around the world. External factors, such as closed borders, limited contact with others, and mass media pumping panic, could all have had an impact on mental health. Since everything is now getting back to normality, it is time to focus on our post-pandemic mental health. How can you find yourself in this new-old reality?

How COVID-19 Limitations Affected Our Mental Well-Being

Can you believe that three years have already passed since the discovery of the COVID-19 coronavirus? So much has changed over these past 36 months, including things that directly could have affected one’s mental well-being.

With closed borders and limits in contact with other people, many of us felt lost and alone. Being stuck at home without the ability to move freely around the neighborhood and country was a disaster. A study at Australia’s Flinders University has shown that over 81% of respondents indicated the inability to meet their friends and family as the major issue during the pandemic.

More than 20% of the surveyed stated that they would require some form of psychological care.

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What About Our Post-Pandemic Mental Health?

Throughout 2022, we have already met with different issues that have forced us to forget about COVID-19. High inflation rates in the US, the Russian-Ukraine war, and the ongoing global warming from fossil fuels. While these problems concern us on a new level, we still need to take care of our post-pandemic mental health.

Perhaps your mental health is suffering as a result of the epidemic, you do not rejoice at any new prospects, and you lack the energy to do many things. If this is the case, keep in mind that your experience is shared by thousands of other individuals all over the world.

Therefore, it is totally natural for you to feel this way; there is nothing strange or wrong about it. However, you also should start taking care of yourself to recharge your energy levels. Time to gradually develop your own normality in the post-pandemic reality.

How to Find Yourself In the Post-Pandemic World?

Here is how you can improve your post-pandemic mental health step by step:

  1. In the beginning, let go of all your fears.
  2. Remember that you do not have to make large plans and seize the opportunity once COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted.
  3. Start with examining how you truly feel. Finding yourself begins with looking inside yourself with affectation and love. Before making any changes, you should free your mind from anything holding you back.
  4. Once you are able to focus on yourself again, try to find what gives you pleasure. Maybe it is time for a new hobby? Do not be afraid to experience something new as your personal needs might have changed over the last three years.
  5. Get out there and meet your friends and family. They miss you as much as you miss them. Catch up with the ones you love. Moreover, learn how to appreciate relationships just like they used to be before the pandemic.
  6. The final step is to turn your social and hobby activities into healthy habits. Let it be a daily 20-minute bicycle ride, choosing veggies over meat, or taking your home office into a local café.

Such a lifestyle is a great stimulus for the brain because you can feel the change happening around you. With these few ideas, you will soon feel a lot better and will be able to find yourself anew. Do not hesitate, take back control over your well-being!

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